China: A striking golden mask found in an ancient tomb dates back over 3,000 years.

Unlike the golden masks discovered at ancient Shu sites in Sichuan province, southwestern China, the gold mask was unearthed from the tomb of an ancient noble in Zhengzhou, capital The government of Henan province, central China represents the culture of the central plains of China. The mask is large enough to cover a person’s entire face.

Khu di chỉ khảo cổ thành phố ở Trịnh Châu, tỉnh Hà Nam, Trung Quốc. Ảnh: IC
City Archaeological Site in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China. Photo: IC

This mask and more than 200 other burial relics found in Shang Dynasty tombs (circa 1600 BC – 1046 AD) shed light on the burial rituals and gold culture of the people. Shang – Global Times quoted officials from China’s National Cultural Heritage Administration announced at a press conference on September 16.

The ancient city ruins and three other archaeological discoveries revealed at the press conference are the latest achievements of the excavation and study of early cities along the middle Yellow River. All of these sites date back to the early stages of Chinese civilization.

Rare discovery

The ruins of the Shang aristocratic mausoleum, approximately 10,000 square meters in size, contain some of the highest quality and most diverse burial paraphernalia of all to be found in the city.

Of all the discoveries from the tomb, including bronze and jade, the gold mask is the most striking. The mask is 18.3 cm long, 14.5 cm wide and weighs about 40 grams.

Huang Fucheng, a researcher at Zhengzhou City Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archeology, said the mask could essentially cover an adult’s entire face.

Mặt nạ vàng được khai quật từ lăng mộ ở Trịnh Châu. Ảnh: Xinhua
The golden mask was unearthed from the mausoleum in Zhengzhou. Photo: Xinhua

In the past, a large number of gold items have been unearthed at the famous SanxingDoi archaeological site in Sichuan province, but gold objects are rarely found at Shang Dynasty cultural sites in the region. central plain – the area concentrated mainly in present-day Henan province and the provinces of Shanxi, Shandong, and Hebei. The researchers say these rare discoveries could help extend archaeological research to Shang Dynasty culture.

Chen Lüsheng, a prominent researcher at the National Museum of China, said the tomb is an important discovery for studying the rituals and burial systems of the Shang dynasty, and because it dates back so many times. early should be able to provide new insight into the origins of Chinese civilization.

According to researcher Chen, although this golden mask is older than those unearthed from the Tam Tinh Doi site, more evidence and a larger number of archaeological discoveries are still needed to confirm the connection. direct relationship between the ruins of Thuong city and the site of Tam Tinh Doi.

Chinese Civilization

Chinese civilization and its origins, especially the study of the Xia dynasty (2070 BC to 1600 BC), is one of the most important topics in archaeology. study Chinese.

Since 2018, the National Bureau of Cultural Heritage has carried out 11 archaeological projects focused on tracing and studying the origins of Chinese civilization. So far, more than 200 excavations have achieved remarkable achievements.

Projects focusing on areas along the Yellow River – often considered the birthplace of Chinese civilization – are considered highlights of these related archaeological projects.

Di chỉ khảo cổ ở Trịnh Châu, tỉnh Hà Nam, Trung Quốc. Ảnh: IC
Archaeological site in Zhengzhou, Henan province, China. Photo: IC

Besides the ruins of the Shang Dynasty city in Zhengzhou, archaeologists also excavated the site of Li Ertou in Yan Su, Henan province. Dating from about 3,500 to 3,600 years ago, they are the largest Late Xia site discovered to date.

Covering an area of about 3 million square meters, the remnants reveal remains of two palaces, a residential area, pottery and copper workshops, as well as kilns and tombs.

The latest archaeological highlights at the site include the rammed earth walls on both sides of the road in many parts of the city and the walls that divide some of the outer palace and grounds workshop, showing people of different classes living here.

Recent excavations have also found remnants of pottery for the first time, including more than 800 pieces decorated with red paint.

Another site in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, northern China with an area of about 1.38 million square meters, has been confirmed to have three defense systems, including inner city, suburban and outer ramparts.

During excavations in the inner city, a large number of remains, such as tombs, living quarters and ash pits, were found, providing clues to understanding the structure of the city.

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