A Stunning Photo Collection of Unique, One-of-a-Kind, Century-Old House Gates

When visiting Chau Noi hamlet in Tung Anh commune, Duc Tho district, Ha Tinh province, travelers will be astonished to witness a series of “one-of-a-kind” house gates made from green trees.



The house gates and fences are made from straight and sturdy Găng Bống and Duối trees, adding an exquisite touch to the tranquil countryside village.


Mai Xuan Tam (74 years old), the owner of one of the house gates, stated that there are a total of seven house gates made from green trees in Chau Noi hamlet. His own gate has a history of 130 years and has been passed down for 5 generations.


To achieve such unique and unusual village gates, the locals have to bend the trees when they are still young and carefully prune and trim them regularly.


Once the trees have taken shape, there is less need for pruning. According to Phan Mai (81), the owner of another house gate, on average, they have to prune 4 to 5 times a year. Each pruning session takes 2 to 3 days.


Besides the square and rectangular shapes, the house gates in Tung Anh also feature soft, flowing curves.


These “green as jade” house gates have become cool and serene places for neighbors to gather and chat during scorching summer afternoons in Nghệ province



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