A viral Taylor Swift joke elevates Lance Bass above Jay-Z and LeBron

NSYNC member Lance Bass stole the show at the Monday Night Football game between the Dallas Cowboys and the Los Angeles Chargers in Week 6 of the 2023 NFL season, outperforming NBA player LeBron James and rapper Jay-Z at SoFi Stadium.


After revealing a handcrafted sign that read “NOT TAYLOR SWIFT,” 44-year-old Bass attracted a lot of attention. When he appeared on the enormous screen, everyone in the stadium either laughed or moaned.

The media has been following the 33-year-old Swift and the Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce’s every move since they started dating last month. Many NFL fans are irritated by this.


Self-described Swiftie Bass shared a video of the incident on Instagram with his million followers in an attempt to make them laugh.

Another widely shared image from Monday night’s celebrity row at SoFi Stadium surfaced when broadcast announcer Troy Aikman brought up the meme that has been going around the internet claiming he and Jay-Z look alike.

NFL. The NFL reports that Randi Mahomes has “finally” met Taylor Swift because everyone is still curious. A recent signing to the Giants shares details about his off-field pursuits.

NSYNC member Lance Bass stole the show at the Monday Night Football game between the Dallas Cowboys and the Los Angeles Chargers in Week 6 of the 2023 NFL season, outperforming NBA player LeBron James and rapper Jay-Z at SoFi Stadium.


It seems there might be a bit of confusion in your provided text. You mentioned the 44-year-old Bass revealing a homemade sign that said “NOT TAYLOR SWIFT,” and later referred to Swift as 33 years old. It appears there might be a mix-up or a combination of unrelated information.

If you have specific questions or if there’s a particular topic you’d like information or assistance with, please feel free to clarify, and I’ll do my best to help!

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