A Weird Garden With a Collection of Rocks That Look Like Human Faces

At the end of the 19th century, the Roxelane mansion belonged to Madame Thebault, a famous French actress. Claude Monet was a good friend of hers. He often went to Etretat to paint. Claude Monet inspired Madame Thebault to create the first cliff-top garden in this idyllic place. Photo: Bien Voyager .
A Bizarre Garden Featuring a Collection of Rocks Resembling Human Faces - Special 68

After hearing the project and the design concept, the famous landscape architect Alexandre Grivko embarked on the implementation. He uses vegetation to create artistic sculptures that are displayed in novel open spaces. Photo: Lens.fr.

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Inspired by the first oyster farm of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, Jardin Emotions is the most exotic and attractive work of art in the garden. This work is created from the bushes bending the shape of a shell and in the center is a stone shaped like a human face with various emotional states. Photo: Le Havre.

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Impressive nature with a combination of landscape art and sculpture has made it a delight for garden lovers and art enthusiasts. Summer is one of the best times to visit this place. At that time, the brilliant color of the chrysanthemum flower will stand out among the beautiful green in the garden. Photo: Le jardin de Christophus.

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You can also visit in the late afternoon, when the sun gradually lowers the mountain. At this time, the garden is bathed in soft light amidst peaceful space. This is also the place to offer the ideal location to admire the village lights up, shimmering under the lights and the romantic scenery of the Etratat coast highlighted with the iconic limestone needle-shaped cliff. Photo: Mon jardin s’appelle bonheur.

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Events, exhibitions of paintings and sculptures are held year-round here. The Roxelane Villa, built in the typical Normandy style, also adds to the charm of this destination. In addition to sightseeing, sightseeing, virtual living, visitors can enjoy cakes and drinks at the snack bar in the garden. Photo: Pinterest.

A Bizarre Garden Featuring a Collection of Rocks Resembling Human Faces - Special 68

Events, exhibitions of paintings and sculptures are held year-round here. The Roxelane Villa, built in the typical Normandy style, also adds to the charm of this destination. In addition to sightseeing, sightseeing, virtual living, visitors can enjoy cakes and drinks at the snack bar in the garden. Photo: Pinterest.

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Every week, this tourist attraction is open from 11 am to 19 pm from Monday to Friday and from 10 to 19 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Entrance fee is about 5- 11.6 USD /person and free for children under 2 years old. Photo: VoyageAvecNous.

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