Archaeologists find ‘mysterious’ stone pipes near Jerusalem ruins

A network of stone-hewn pipes, dating back 2,800 years, has been unearthed in Jerusalem, puzzling archaeologists because it has no biblical record or clear connection to a temple or palace. What ancient Jewish temple?

Archaeologists say this knee-deep stone pipe system is located outside an ancient walled city in Jerusalem. The pipes split into two clusters, discovered 10 meters apart.

Các nhà khảo cổ tìm thấy những đường ống đá 'bí ẩn' gần di tích Jerusalem - Ảnh 1.

Ancient pipes found in Jerusalem

The Israel Antiquities Authority said forensic examination of the pipes found no blood, most likely ruling out their role in the slaughter of animals for feasts or religious ceremonies.

Research partner Tel Aviv University added that the pipes did not appear to produce flow in one direction or into any basin, suggesting they were not used to discharge wastewater or stormwater.

“We examined the site and realized we had stumbled upon something unique,” archaeologist Yiftah Shalev confirmed in a joint statement.

Các nhà khảo cổ tìm thấy những đường ống đá 'bí ẩn' gần di tích Jerusalem - Ảnh 2.

Stone pipes located outside an ancient walled city in Jerusalem

Archaeologist Yuval Gadot said the channels could have been used to prepare a cargo “related to a temple or palace”.

Archaeologist Gadot added: “One could hypothesize that this piping system was associated with linen production which required soaking the flax plant for a long period of time to soften it. Another possibility is that the stone pipes containing dates that were dried in the sun to create date honey”.

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