Digging into a 500-year-old tomb, the expert turned pale and saw a black body

When the archaeological team rushed to the scene, they discovered that two crystal coffins in the tomb had been pulled out and their lids had been pried off. The body inside made them panic.

Dao trung mo co 500 nam, chuyen gia tai mat thay thi the mau den

Rumors about someone from the construction site carrying many burial items made of gold and jade were denied by representatives of the archaeological unit.

Dao trung mo co 500 nam, chuyen gia tai mat thay thi the mau den-Hinh-2

In March 2017, an ancient Ming Dynasty tomb was discovered at a sewer construction site in Taikang County, Henan Province, China, shocking everyone. This ancient tomb was discovered when a worker operating an excavator discovered a few blue bricks under the excavated soil.

Dao trung mo co 500 nam, chuyen gia tai mat thay thi the mau den-Hinh-3

However, because this construction site violated regulations and did not report in advance during the construction process, the ancient tomb of the Ming Dynasty was destroyed by an excavator. This incident attracted the attention of local residents, creating a chaotic scene.

Dao trung mo co 500 nam, chuyen gia tai mat thay thi the mau den-Hinh-4

When the archaeological team rushed to the scene, they discovered that two crystal coffins in the tomb had been pulled out and their lids had been pried off.

Dao trung mo co 500 nam, chuyen gia tai mat thay thi the mau den-Hinh-5

Inside the coffin, archaeologists found two bodies still intact, but their skin had begun to turn black due to exposure to air.

Thanks to the inscriptions on the epitaph, the identity of the tomb owner was clarified.

Dao trung mo co 500 nam, chuyen gia tai mat thay thi the mau den-Hinh-6

That was Co Phac, an official of the Royal Palace in the Ming Dynasty, known to the people as “Bao Thanh Thien”.

Co Phac’s descendants came to the scene and expressed their sadness when their ancestors’ graves were dug up.

After negotiations, archaeological units and local authorities agreed to transport the ancient mummy to the laboratory for analysis.

Objects such as epitaphs and grave goods that have historical research value will be donated to the country, while other objects will be returned to Co Phac’s family.

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