“Discovery of Chest Containing ‘Alien Skull’ in Germany Sparks Nazi-era Mysteries”

An old chest bearing the symbol of a secret Nazi organization contained an object “unlike anything known to man”.

In 2016, an expedition team led by scientist Vladimir Melikov discovered the chest in a cave on the Bolshoi Tjach mountain, in the Adygea region of Russia. The rectangular box looks like a small, carefully locked suitcase, with the symbol of the German secret organization Ahnenerbe, which operated from 1939 to 1945, engraved on the outside.

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The Ahnenerbe, officially known as the “Ancestral Heritage Research and Teaching Community,” was founded by Heinrich Himmler, a longtime friend of Adolf Hitler, a leading member of the Nazis, and one of the most directly responsible for the Holocaust.

This organization is known to have conducted expeditions all over the world, to search for gold and explore ancient tombs.

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Inside the chest, Vladimir Melikov and his team of explorers found two mysterious skulls with what appeared to be some kind of strange horn. Initially, he thought they were the remains of fossilized animals. However, after closer inspection, he was shocked by what he found.

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“ They are unlike anything known to man,” Melikov said. Pay attention to the round hole at the bottom of the head, it is the base of the spine. The position shows that this creature moved on two legs ,” the scientist explained.

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He added: “ Among the most mysterious features of the skull is the absence of a cranial vault and jaw. The eye sockets are unusually large, they have human-like facial features, and they have two horns growing separately from each other .

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According to Melikov, this skull belongs to a bipedal creature unknown to science. He believes it could be an alien creature that visited Earth in the past. Some researchers and mythologists believe that these skulls may be demonic creatures.

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According to other scientists and historians, this remarkable discovery reaffirms the possibility that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis searched for advanced alien technology during World War II.

The Nazis have long been believed to have sought ancient alien remains and manuscripts in the hope of gaining access to advanced alien technology that might have helped the effort. their war. However, these speculations have never been confirmed and remain open to this day.

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