In Denmark, he discovered a tiny gold statue of an exposed woman.


Over the years, a field on the island of Bornholm in Denmark has been the site of many amazing archaeological finds. Recently discovered is a golden statue of a naked woman.

He found a small gold statue of a naked woman in Denmark

Large diagram of a golden statue. Notice the harness and the ties around the legs and arms.

The folded figurine is only 4.2 cm tall and weighs 3 g, shows many details and bears the mark of aristocratic craftsmanship.

The woman has a long, slender body; the statue may have been made of a fine gold bar.

Sloping head with prominent jaw and cropped hair. The breasts are sunken and below the shoulders are carvings to stick out the hands. The hands are smooth, the big toes together, while the fingers point downward.

Towards the upper part of the belly, a belt is clearly engraved and decorated with a zigzag pattern.

He found a small gold statue of a naked woman in Denmark

Panoramic view of the three corners of the head of the statue.

This can be a symbol of fertility and health.

The golden woman could be standing on her toes or dancing on soft feet. Above the graceful legs, the calves and knees are clearly visible.

Looking in front of the statue, scientists try to associate this naked woman with health and well-being.

Simply put, the spine has 10 “teeth” that stick out. This is something that has never been seen before (vertebrae, perhaps?).

Statues of nude women are rare in Iron Age Norse art, where figurines of men often dominate.

The fifth figurine in the series found in the area.

The Golden Woman is the fifth in a series of gilt figurines found at Smorenge, in the fields of Bornholm.

The first four statues are all male, as soon as the gender of the last statue is confirmed, it is added to the found sequence.

The first statue was found in the spring of 2009, with several other finds including many figures made of gold leaf. The next three statues were found in the spring of 2012.

He found a small gold statue of a naked woman in Denmark

Five statues were found in a field on Bornholm.

The plow scattered the statues.

All five figurines may have been buried in the same location, either individually or collectively, at one point during the sixth century, which was a period of migration.

Three of the statues were found 5 meters apart from each other, while the other two were found 10 to 15 meters apart. It can be assumed that they were scattered by plowing.

This location may have been chosen for the presence of one or more springs. But it is necessary to carry out excavations to obtain more information about the characteristics of the area…

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