The fisherman may have obtained the riches from the Lost Isle of Gold.


The site of a legendary Indonesian kingdom famous for its golden treasures may have finally been discovered on Sumatra, known as the Isle of Gold. For the past five years, fishermen exploring the crocodile-infested Musi River near Palembang have reeled in an amazing treasure from the deep, including precious stones, gold ceremonial rings, coins, and bronze monks’ bells.

One of the most incredible finds so far is a jewel-encrusted life-size Buddha statue from the 8th century, worth millions of pounds. The artifacts date back to the Srivijaya civilization, a powerful kingdom between the 7th and 13th centuries that mysteriously disappeared a century later.

Dr Sean Kingsley, a British maritime archaeologist, told MailOnline: ‘Great explorers have searched far and wide for Srivijaya as far afield as Thailand and India, all with no luck. Even at Palembang, the traditional location of the vanished kingdom, archaeologists did not find enough pottery to boast even a small town. Srivijaya, the last great lost kingdom on earth, has jealously guarded its secrets.’

The treasure found by the fishermen may have come from the Lost Isle of Gold

The site of a legendary Indonesian kingdom famous for its golden treasures may have finally been discovered on Sumatra, known as the Isle of Gold. For the past five years, fishermen exploring the Musi River near Palembang have pulled up an astonishing treasure. from the depths, including this 8th century AD life-size bronze Buddhist statue, studded with precious gems and valued in the millions.

The treasure found by the fishermen may have come from the Lost Isle of Gold

A small gold and gem ring with claws, possibly worn by a sacred bird; right: a 21.5 cm buffalo and rider ornament.

The treasure found by the fishermen may have come from the Lost Isle of Gold

The treasure found by the fishermen may have come from the Lost Isle of Gold

Sumatra was known in ancient times as the Isle of Gold because it is rich in gold deposits and natural resources and was an early point of arrival for trade in Southeast Asia. Pictured: A handful of Srivijaya sandalwood gold rings, beads and gold coins fished from the seabed in the Musi River, Palembang, 7th-10th century.

He added: ‘In the last five years, extraordinary things have come up. Coins from all ages, gold and Buddhist statues, gems, all sorts of things you could read about in Sinbad the Sailor and think were made up. In fact, it is real.

Sumatra was known in ancient times as the Isle of Gold because it is rich in gold deposits and natural resources and was an early point of arrival for trade in Southeast Asia. The 6th and 7th centuries saw a steady increase in Asian maritime trade, with the opening of a huge Chinese market. A growing demand for Buddhist rituals, in particular, led to an increase in the export of basic goods from Indonesia to China.

Dr Kingsley said: “Apart from the impressive gold and jewelery finds, the riverbed dumped tons of Chinese coins and even larger loads of sunken pottery.” The pots and pans show how the rainbow people lived in Srivijaya. Products were imported from India, Persia and masses of the best tableware from the time of the great kilns of China. This is the sweet spot when the first blue and white porcelain plates were made, which would become the world’s greatest brand.’

He has revealed his research in the fall issue of Wreckwatch magazine, which he also publishes. Srivijayan’s study is part of the 180-page fall publication focusing on China and the Maritime Silk Road.

He wrote: ‘From the shallows have risen glittering gold and jewels befitting the richest of kingdoms, from tools of trade and weapons of war to relics of religion. Bronze and gold Buddhist figurines have appeared from lost temples and places of worship, bronze temple knockers with the demonic face of Kala, in Hindu legend the mythical head of Rahu who churned the oceans to make an elixir of immortality.

The ‘bronze monks’ bells and gold ceremonial rings are studded with rubies and adorned with golden four-pronged vajra sceptres, the Hindu symbol of lightning, the deity’s preferred weapon. Exquisite gold sword hilts would have adorned the sides of royal courtesans, while bronze mirrors and hundreds of gold rings, many stamped with enigmatic letters, figures and symbols, earrings and necklaces of gold beads bring to life the splendor of a mercantile aristocracy going about their daily dealings. stamping shipping manifests, in the palace complex.

Srivijaya has been described by Dr. Kingsley as a ‘Water World, with people living in the river. He believes that when civilization came to an end, in the 14th century, its ‘wooden houses, palaces and temples sank along with all its goods’.

In its heyday, Srivijaya controlled the arteries of the Maritime Silk Road, a huge market where local, Chinese and Arab products were traded.

He said: ‘As the western Mediterranean world entered the dark ages in the eighth century, one of the world’s greatest kingdoms burst onto the map of Southeast Asia.

“For more than 300 years, the rulers of Srivijaya dominated the trade routes between the Middle East and imperial China.

‘Srivijaya became the international crossroads of the best products of the time. Its rulers amassed legendary wealth. The population kingdom size remains unclear. Dr Kingsley told MailOnline: ‘I have not seen any solid statistics for the population of Srivijaya. Unfortunately they did not do a census.

The treasure found by the fishermen may have come from the Lost Isle of Gold

The treasure found by the fishermen may have come from the Lost Isle of Gold

Srivijaya’s power rested on its control of international maritime trade. It established trade relations not only with the states of the Malay Archipelago but also with China and India. (Above, part of the loot from the treasure)

Travelers of the time say that the kingdom was “very numerous”. Chroniclers wrote that Srivijaya had so many islands that no one knew where their boundaries ended. The fact that the capital alone had 20,000 soldiers, 1,000 monks, and 800 moneylenders gives you an idea that the population was impressive. Look at the size of the great pilgrimage center of Borobudur, which was paid for with the golden vaults of the King of Srivijaya.

‘In the 10th century, the population of East Java was 3 to 4 million people. And Java is smaller than Sumatra, where Palembang, the capital of Srivijaya, appeared. It is also unclear why the kingdom collapsed. Kingsley wonders if it suffered the same fate as Pompeii, as a result of a volcanic catastrophe, “or if the unruly and rapidly filling river swallowed the whole city?” he speculates.

The treasure found by the fishermen may have come from the Lost Isle of Gold

The treasure found by the fishermen may have come from the Lost Isle of Gold

An aerial view, and above it a location map, a show where local fishing crews discovered the myriad of valuable artifacts.

Other than night dives by local fishing teams, there have been no official excavations, leaving many questions unanswered, The Guardian reported. Artifacts found so far are sold to antiquarians before experts can properly examine them.

They are lost to the world. Vast tracts, including an impressive life-size Buddhist statue adorned with precious gems, have been lost to the international antiquities market.

“Newly discovered, the story of the rise and fall of Srivijaya is dying again untold.” The investigation is covered in the fall issue of Wreckwatch magazine.

The treasure found by the fishermen may have come from the Lost Isle of Gold

Ancient and early modern Palembang in Sumatra was largely built on water. Srivijaya has been described by Dr. Kingsley as a ‘Water World, with people living in the river. He believes that when civilization came to an end, in the 14th century, its ‘wooden houses, palaces and temples sank along with all its goods’.

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